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Finding Refreshment in the Outdoors.

I  grew up in a house with an avid hunter.  Whether it was shooting a squirrel on a wooded bluff, or chasing pheasants through the cornfields, he was always up for the hunt.  Being a preacher, I have been blessed with some extraordinary friends who have taken me on some crazy fishing and hunting adventures.  Kingdom work is very rewarding at times.  Kingdom work is very trying at times.  No matter what the season is, I  have always had place to escape and get away and find a little refreshment. It usually involves  a fishing pole, a bow, a kayak, a jeep, or a shotgun, and it always involves a friend. So I have made a life goal to switch from fisherman/hunter to encourager and guide.


I know there are other pastors, missionaries, church staff, their spouses and kids that could use a little adventure! If you know of one of these who would benefit from an outdoor adventure like this, then take a moment and please nominate them for one of our adventures!

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